
year of Birth1906
year of Death1973


year  grade  avg.  nb
Hara Kiri 切腹 1962 4.46 45 12/100 available medias for this movie
Samouraï Rebellion 上位討ち 1967 4.33 35 24/100 available medias for this movie
Human Condition 人間の条件 1959 4.26 26 38/100 available medias for this movie
Kill ! 1968 4.17 19 available medias for this movie
The Life of Oharu 1952 4.1 18 available medias for this movie
Late Spring 1949 3.99 17 available medias for this movie
Mother 1952 4.06 12
Pigs and Battleships 1961 3.98 10
Good-for-Nothing ろくでなし 1960 3.41 8 available medias for this movie
Inn of Evil 1971 3.59 8
The Ghost of Kasane 1957 3.25 6 available medias for this movie
Avalanche 雪崩 1937 2.17 3
Tekka no hanamichi 1968 3 2
Wolf 1955 3.5 2
Hiroshima 1953 3 1
L' Epouse du château des Otori 鳳城の花嫁 1957 2.5 1
Tochuken Kumoemon 桃中軒雲右衛門 1936 1.75 1
Tsuruhachi Tsurujiro 鶴八鶴次郎 1938 3 1
Morning's Tree-Lined Street 朝の並木路 1936 2.5 1
Streets of Violence, the Pen Never Lies 1950 3.5 1
Gan no tera 1962 2.75 1
Revenge 1964 3.5 1
Tokyo Mighty Guy 1960 2.25 1
Kaii Utusunomiya tsuritenjou 1956 2.75 1 available medias for this movie
The Policeman's Diary 1955 3 1


Top rewards a valuable job.

Flop underline a poor performance

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