

year of Birth1954


year  grade  avg.  nb
Dark Water 2001 3.81 90 available medias for this movie
Audition オーディション 1999 3.54 96 available medias for this movie
Sixty Nine 2004 3.54 14
Attention Please 2006 3.5 1
The Magic Hour 2008 3.5 5 available medias for this movie
About Her Brother おとうと 2010 3.44 8 available medias for this movie
Always - Sunset on The Third Street 2005 3.42 12 available medias for this movie
Always - Sunset on Third Street 2 2007 3.38 6 available medias for this movie
Last Scene 2002 3.38 2 available medias for this movie
Turn 2001 3.33 6 available medias for this movie
Kaza Hana 2001 3.25 8 available medias for this movie
A Ghost of a Chance ステキな金縛り 2011 3.25 2
The Deep Red 2005 3.21 7
Even So, I Didn't Do It 2007 3.2 5 available medias for this movie
Outrage アウトレイジ 2010 3.18 30 available medias for this movie
Outrage: Beyond 2012 3.15 5
Goemon 2009 2.9 15 available medias for this movie
Hero 2007 2.79 6 available medias for this movie
My Girlfriend is a Cyborg 僕の彼女はサイボ-グ 2007 2.79 12 available medias for this movie
Otakus in Love 2004 2.75 17 available medias for this movie
The Ring 2 1999 2.72 28 available medias for this movie
Happy Flight ハッピーフライト 2009 2.56 8 available medias for this movie
A Pierrot 重力ピエロ 2009 2.56 4
Ace Attorney 逆転裁判 2012 2.56 4
Everybody's House 2001 2.5 1
Casshern 2004 2.31 60 available medias for this movie
20th Century Boys 2008 2.31 18 available medias for this movie
20th Century Boys: The Last Hope 2009 2.28 9 available medias for this movie
20th Century Boys : The Last Chapter - Our Flag 2009 2.17 3
I Remember That Sky 2008 1.5 1
Pray プレイ 2005 1.5 1
Christmas on July 24th Avenue 2006 1 1 available medias for this movie
The Mars Canon 2002
Hero (TV) 2001
Begging for Love 1998
Kisarazu Cat's Eye: Nihon Series 木更津キャッツアイ 2003
Big Money (TV) ビッグマネー! 2001
Caution, Hazardous Wife: The Movie 奥様は、取り扱い注意 2020
The Crimes That Bind 祈りの幕が下りる時 2018
Adiantum Blue 2006 available medias for this movie
Sword Of Desperation 2010


Top rewards a valuable job.

Flop underline a poor performance

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