my grade


The Matrix

number of reviews: 5number of reviews: 2number of reviews: 3number of reviews: 4number of reviews: 2number of reviews: 5number of reviews: 8number of reviews: 12number of reviews: 15number of reviews: 11

Cinemasie's opinions

13 reviews: 2.75/5

your opinions

54 reviews: 3.24/5

popoyo 5
Fred30 5
tyl 5
cedsifu 5
Tequila-Yuen 5
Piaku 5
nebular 5
JoHell 4.75
François H 4.75
Stavengard 4.5
Kanashii Uchiki 4.5
jeff_strike 4.25
Killdonalduck 4.25
tu0r 4.25
Guinebault 4.25
TsimShaTsui 4
angelo 4
Cuneyt Arkin 4
Oh Dae-soo 4
Sir the metal 4
Sifu Tetsuo 4
Pikul 4
Omerieux 4
Scaar Alexander Trox 3.75
White Snake 3.75
SanjurOn 3.75
Bastian Meiresonne 3.75
kassim al soja 3.5
Qumran 3.5
La girardasse 3.5
Chip E 3.5
Kit Mat 3.25
Khanheda 3
lo sam pao 3
Macareux moine de Bretagne 3
tsunami 3
Hotsu 3
Chang La Rage 3
Secret Tears 2.75
Dakysto 2.75
Marcellius 2.5
Phildu62 2.5
Jérémy 2.5
Bama Dillert 1.5
Flichtenbloden 1.5
vincent 1.25
blondin_ 1
k-chan 1
Sciamano 0.75
Hots@uce 0.5
Nino 0
Inspecteur Tahar 0
Manolo 0
ArkyvD 0
mizambal 0

order by grades | date | reviewer    lengths: any length medium and long only long only

The Matrix

The Matrix"is terrific!It's one of the best looking films ever.You haven't seen so amazing special effects and so perfect fight scenes.(choreographed by master Yuen Woo-ping)It's deep and fun at the same time.The directing is fantasting,the plot is original and smart and the performances..they are all wonderful(this actors are perfect choosen to play this characters)!I think "The Matrix" is the best sci-fi film of 20-th century.

01 March 2005
by nebular

