my grade


Kill Bill Volume 2

number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 2number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 3number of reviews: 4number of reviews: 3number of reviews: 6number of reviews: 7number of reviews: 14number of reviews: 13

Cinemasie's opinions

5 reviews: 3.45/5

your opinions

49 reviews: 3.45/5

750XX 4.25
Bama Dillert 2.25
Bart052 4.75
Bastian Meiresonne 3.75
changlong 4.5
Chip E 2.75
chronofixer 3.75
Cuneyt Arkin 3.5
Dakysto 4.75
didom93 5
el sinior canard 3.25
François H 5
hayaku 4
hendy 4.5
Hotsu 5
Illitch Dillinger 3
Iron Monkey 3.75
Izzy 1.75
Jérémy 2.75
jool 3
Kamiku 3.75
Khanheda 3.5
Kit Mat 0.75
koalaurent 2
La girardasse 0.5
Macareux moine de Bretagne 4
Manolo 2
nebular 4.75
Oh Dae-soo 4.5
Omerieux 4
OncleTom 1.5
Phildu62 1.75
Pikul 2.5
popoyo 3.25
punkfloyd 4.25
Qumran 3.5
Rico 0.75
Sauzer 4.75
Scalp 5
Sciamano 4
Secret Tears 4
Sifu Tetsuo 3
Tokijiro 4.5
TsimShaTsui 4.25
tu0r 4
X27 4
Zabolus 0
Zalem 4.75

order by grades | date | reviewer    lengths: any length medium and long only long only

Kill Bill vol.2

"Kill Bill vol.1" was a real masterpiece!V.2 is near to it.It's also brilliant.There is less dynamic,terrific swordsplay and stylized martial arts,but it's more emotional and satisfying. It's another superior piece of work."Kill Bill" is the best Tarantino work to date and one of the greatest movies of all time!And if you think that I forgot Uma,I'm not.She deserves an Oscar for this role,because she made her jor perfect!!!

01 March 2005
by nebular

buy it
