my grade


Drunken Master

number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 3number of reviews: 10number of reviews: 23number of reviews: 15number of reviews: 8

Cinemasie's opinions

8 reviews: 3.5/5

your opinions

51 reviews: 3.79/5

nebular 4.75
Chang La Rage 3.5
lo sam pao 4.25
jeff 4.5
Ahmed 3.75
angelo 4.5
Jérémy 4
Macareux moine de Bretagne 4.25
Secret Tears 2.75
vincent 4.75
Khanheda 3
Kano 3.75
ArkyvD 3
feihong 4
yves 4
La girardasse 4
White Snake 4
Bastian Meiresonne 3.75
snipe-wolf 5
le-maitre-chinois 5
CASH 2.75
eniger 3.75
Wesker 5
el sinior canard 3.25
Dakysto 4.25
Dao Yang 4.75
chronofixer 3.75
Fred30 4.5
Qumran 3.25
Cuneyt Arkin 3.75
Sauzer 4.25
takeruprod 4.75
punkfloyd 3.5
Manolo 3
popoyo 3.75
ultima 3
JoHell 3.5
Sifu Tetsuo 3.5
Scalp 4
seizan 3.75
pikoti 4
jeff_strike 3.5
Illitch Dillinger 4
Miyuki 3.75
Oh Dae-soo 2.5
k-chan 4.25
jool 3
Phildu62 4.5
Hidelirium 3.25
pomme de pin 3.25
tu0r 4.25
Black_pantha 3.5
A-b-a 4.75
Hotsu 3.5

order by grades | date | reviewer    lengths: any length medium and long only long only

Ju kuen

Without a doubt, "Drunken Master" is the greatest classic kung fu comedy of all time!Jackie Chan's performance as the cantonese folk hero Wong Fei-hung is more than terrific!Wo-ping's directing is superb.The plot is good and endlessly funny.All of the fight scenes are naturally looking and first-rate choreographed( fight choreographers Yuen Wo-ping, Tyrone Hsu and Corey Yuen Kwai ).They are are nothing less than amazing! The camera work dated by more modern action film standards and the budget is small,but it doesn't matter to me,because "Drunken Master" is a real kung-fu masterpiece!!!

01 March 2005
by nebular

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