BU Wancang
卜 萬蒼


year of Birth1903
year of Death1974


year  grade  avg.  nb
Lady with the Lute 趙五娘 1963
The Lost Love 盲目的愛情 1961
Kiss Me Again 第二吻 1960
Eve of the Wedding 特嫁春心 1960
Bedside Story 同床異夢 1960
Swindler's Delight 紅男綠女 1960
Dreams Come True 喜相逢 1960 available medias for this movie
My Daughter, My Daughter 兩代女性 1960
A Beancurd Shih Sze 豆腐西施 1959
Stolen Love 偷情記 1959
The Unforgettable Night 一夜風流 1958
Nobody's Child 苦兒流浪記 1958
Sisters Three 三姊妹 1957
Miss Evening Sweet 夜來香 1957
The Ingenious Seduction 唐伯虎與秋香 1956
Fisherman's Delight 漁歌 1956
The Long Lane 漁歌 1956
It Blossoms Again 再春花 1954
Blood-Stained Flowers 碧血黃花 1954
Beauty in Disguise 化身艷影 1953
Seven Sisters 七姊妹 1953
Portrait of a Lady 淑女圖 1952
A Woman's Heart 婦人心 1952
Destroy 毀滅 1952
Sweet Memories 滿園春色 1952
The Affair of Diana 女人與老虎 1951
The Sins of Our Fathers 大涼山恩仇記 1949
The Soul of China 1948
Mulan Joins the Army 1939 3 1
The Sable Cicada 貂蟬 1938
The Peach Girl 1931


year  grade  avg.  nb
My Daughter, My Daughter 兩代女性 1960
Eve of the Wedding 特嫁春心 1960
The Ingenious Seduction 唐伯虎與秋香 1956
Fisherman's Delight 漁歌 1956
It Blossoms Again 再春花 1954
Seven Sisters 七姊妹 1953
Beauty in Disguise 化身艷影 1953
A Woman's Heart 婦人心 1952
The Sable Cicada 貂蟬 1938


Top rewards a valuable job.

Flop underline a poor performance

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